Membership has Advantages

Join Cardinal Lake Civic Association

If you are new to the Cardinal Lake Estates neighborhood, welcome!

Whether you are just thinking about buying a home in our community, have recently moved into the neighborhood, or you’ve lived here for a while and decided you would like more information regarding becoming a member of the Cardinal Lake Civic Association, you have come to the right place. After you have browsed the website, please contact our Vice President of Membership using the form below for additional information.

Membership Options

There are three options currently available for membership in the Cardinal Lake Civic Association. Should you have questions or need assistance in choosing the option that best suits your need, please contact our VP of Membership using the form below

Membership is available to residents of Cardinal Lakes Estates only


Permanent membership status

$ 550

/ Year


Year to year membership.

$ 725

/ Year


Non Cardinal Lake Residents

$ 825

/ Year

Permanent Members must sign a consent form to be filed with Gwinnett County which submits their property to Permanent Membership and agree to pay the Permanent Member rate dues annually.

If your property is not already a Permanent Membership property, you are encouraged to sign up as a Permanent Member and enjoy the benefits right away. If the previous owners of your home have signed the Consent Form as a Permanent Member, your property is automatically a Permanent Membership property.

[Note: If you would like to join as a Permanent Member, the current CLCA VP of Membership will contact you to arrange a time to meet with you to sign the Consent Form. The form must be notarized and by a notary who must be present.

Permanent Members of the Cardinal Lake Civic Association are eligible to enjoy all of the amenities of Cardinal Lake – including the pool and beach areas, boating and fishing on Cardinal and Canary Lakes, attendance at social events, and rental of clubhouse at a reduced rate.

Permanent Members may participate as an elected CLCA Board Member or on any number of CLCA committees including the Nominating Committee (for recruiting new board members), Social Committee, Facilities Committee, Lakes Committee, Pool Committee, and Beautification & Maintenance Committee.

If you own, rent or lease your property, you may join the Cardinal Lake Civic Association as a Voluntary Member. Voluntary Members are those who would prefer to pay higher dues each year and make their membership choice year by year as to whether or not they want to join the Association.

Voluntary Members of the Cardinal Lake Civic Association are eligible to enjoy all of the amenities of Cardinal Lake – including the pool and beach areas, boating and fishing on Cardinal and Canary Lakes, attendance at social events, and rental of clubhouse at a reduced rate.

Voluntary Members may participate on any number of CLCA committees including the Nominating Committee (for recruiting new board members), Social Committee, Facilities Committee, Lakes Committee, Pool Committee, and Beautification & Maintenance Committee.

Membership Application